I-MOVE-COVID-19 public WP2: Primary care network
WP2: I-MOVE-COVID-19 Primary care network
Please see below the objectives and partners for WP2. We will add the publicly available documents for the “Primary care network” work package of the I-MOVE-COVID-19 project as they become available. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
WP2 Objectives
1. To strengthen sentinel surveillance systems in eight European countries to rapidly detect and report COVID-19 cases
2. To develop/adapt generic surveillance protocols that are flexible to rapidly adapt to the epidemiological context (e.g. increased disease incidence)
3. To describe suspected and confirmed cases
4. To identify early transmission in the community by detecting cases not identified previously as contacts of confirmed cases
5. To strengthen preparedness to respond to COVID-19 with primary care sentinel surveillance systems
6. To implement appropriate relevant protocols to collect data for relevant epidemiological and virological studies in WP4
7. To establish a European collection of SARS-CoV-2 virological information from samples from patients with acute disease according to international guidelines
WP2 Protocols
The I-MOVE-COVID-19 primary care surveillance protocol is available here. This is a generic protocol that can be adapted by the study sites that are part of the primary care component of I-MOVE-COVID-19.
Building on the primary care surveillance, I-MOVE-COVID-19 is also carrying out a study to identify key risk factors for and protective factors against COVID-19 among patients presenting at primary care level to a GP. You can read the protocol here.
I-MOVE-COVID-19 is also carrying out a pooled analysis of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness within the primary care networks. The protocol is available here.
WP2 partners
- Public Health England
- Université Sorbonne, France
- Institut Pasteur, France
- Santé Publique France
- Université de Corse Pascal Paoli, France
- HPSC, Ireland
- NIVEL, The Netherlands
- RIVM, The Netherlands
- DGS Portugal
- INSA Ricardo Jorge, Portugal
- Health Protection Scotland
- ISCIII National Centre for Epidemiology, Spain
- ISCIII National Centre for Microbiology, Spain
- ISPL-Navarra, Spain
- Public Health Agency, Sweden
- University of Oxford/RCGP RSC
- Epiconcept, France
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